
Major Fixes and Changes

SDK & Toolbox Installation Split

The SDK and the Toolbox now have separate installers. See the documentation for each for more information.

Removed Unity & Unreal Genvid Editor Window

The Genvid Window containing the SDK Selector has been removed as it caused unintended issues.

Minor Changes and Other Fixes

  • [documentation] Corrected the tags of a few metrics in the Metrics documentation page.

  • [sdk] Moved genvid-sdk into its own package, with the SDK and ConfigurationLoader classes.

  • [sdk] Disabled the automatic ImGui generation of an ‘imgui.ini’ file which was created in the current directory.

  • [sdk] Twitch and iOS overlay is now functional starting with Twitch player 1.17.

  • [web-sdk] Added the Events API and event components in the public documentation.

  • [web-sdk] Fixed an issue where an unclear message was given when a user gave an invalid event_id in a GET/DELETE /eventsdefs/{event_id} request.

  • [samples] Updated the UT4 copyright.

  • [samples] Fixed an issue where the execution of the installation script ‘python unity.py prepare’ gives no hint that it is expecting an environment variable ‘UNITY_EXE_DIR’ to be defined.

  • [samples] Fixed an error where documentation asked to load an unnecessary file while loading game.

  • [studio] Added Broadcast Settings to Studio UI.

  • [studio] Added Events Components to Studio UI.

  • [ue-plugin] Fixed an issue where no stream appears when using Genvid Video in texture Video Mode with a custom render target texture as Video Source.

  • [genvid-sdk] Added new SettingsAPI class to the genvid.sdk package.

  • [genvid-sdk] Added new EventsAPI class to the genvid.sdk package.

  • [unreal] Fixed an issue where the UE Genvid Module was only compiled on Win64.

  • [unreal] Improved copy-ue4-plugin.py build by allowing different target platforms.