Genvid Plugin Session

Genvid Plugin Session inspector view
  • The Session options define the various streams included in a broadcast session. See the Genvid Parameters section for detailed information about customizing your streams.

  • Video This object customizes how you capture the video for your broadcast. This field only accepts the GenvidVideoParameters asset.

  • Audio This object customizes how you capture the audio for your broadcast. This field only accepts the GenvidAudioParameters asset.

  • Streams This object creates the data streams for your broadcast. The field only accepts the GenvidStreamParameters asset.

  • Events This object subscribes to your broadcast’s events. The field only accepts the GenvidEventParameters asset.

  • Commands This object subscribes to your broadcast’s commands. The field only accepts the GenvidCommandParameters asset.

  • Requests This object subscribes to your broadcast’s requests. The field only accepts the Genvid Request Parameters asset.

The Session object also contains the following notification functions:

  • SubmitNotification(object notificationID, object data)

  • SubmitNotificationJSON(object notificationID, object data)

The ability to submit notifications is done over a Session.