YouTube Live Streams Embedding

By default, YouTube live streams cannot be embedded in other webpages (like our tutorial website). This means that, unless you are currently logged in as your YouTube user, you will not be able to see your YouTube Live Stream on a website other than YouTube’s.

The following section will help guide you in setting up your YouTube account for embedding live streams.

Requirements for Enabling Embedding

YouTube requires two key elements to enabled live stream embedding.

First, you need to activate AdSense. To enable AdSense, you can follow their guide at

Upon creating your AdSense account, you will need to wait for approval by YouTube which normally takes a few days but may take up to 2 weeks.

Second, you need approval from the YouTube Partner Program.

The YouTube Partner Program (YPP) gives creators greater access to YouTube resources and features.

To apply for approval, follow the guide provided at

Once you have been approved for AdSense and the YouTube Partner Program, you are ready to enable live stream embedding.

Enabling Live Streams Embedding

Once you have received YouTube Partner Program approval, you will need to allow embedding for your channel.

  1. Click on the CREATE button in the upper right corner.

  2. Select Go Live.

  3. In the Later date section, click Start.

  4. Under Streaming software, click GO.

  5. Select the Stream menu from the left menu bar.

  6. Near the top right corner, click the EDIT button.

  7. Scroll down and check the box to Allow embedding.

  8. Click SAVE to save all changes.

Fig. 29 YouTube - Allow Embedding

Once all these steps are completed, you will no longer be required to be logged in as your YouTube user to be allowed to see the live stream generated by the Genvid MILE SDK.