Upgrade from Previous Versions

Upgrading the Genvid SDK from one version to another may include some manual steps. This page includes any steps required to update to version 1.20.0 from the last version. If you’re upgrading an older version of the SDK, start with any special upgrade instructions for your version found here.

General Upgrade Instructions

Upgrade the Genvid SDK

To set up the new SDK locally:

  1. Install the new SDK.
  2. Run the script install-toolbox.py from the new SDK.
  3. Run genvid-bastion reinstall --reconfigure -b mybastion -uml to update your bastion.

Update Your Broadcast Website

If you used code from the samples we provide in your own project, note that we recently enforced a best practice concerning service discovery using consul in those samples. You should check again the samples and update your project accordingly. We invite you to use the consul health api instead of the catalog api to fetch the url of your services, since it is more likely that the url will point to a healthy service.

Update Your Game

To update your game without applying new features, just replace the old genvid.dll from the previous SDK with the one from the new SDK. The old plugins and integration should work as-is, with the exception of the specific upgrade instructions below.


Always follow the full upgrade path for the Genvid SDK version you’re using. For example: If you’re upgrading from version 1.6.0 to 1.10.0, start by upgrading from 1.6.0 to 1.7.0 then continue with each version.

See the full list of upgrade instructions for your specific version.

Upgrade the Javascript API

You should also upgrade the Genvid JavaScript API on your website.

Update Your Cluster

We strongly recommend keeping your old clusters as-is and creating a new one for the update.

To create a new cloud-based cluster, follow the standard instructions:

  1. Set up a new wingame AMI that matches the new version.
  2. Create new clusters.

To create a new local cluster, follow the standard instructions listed in the Initialize a Local Cluster section.

Once you have replaced all your clusters, you can remove the old SDK repositories from the Modules Section page.

Updating an Existing Cluster


Updating your cluster can replace all your instances and even erase your current configuration. We recommend not updating a live cluster. If you do, carefully check the changes before applying the plan.

You can update the module used to build your cluster by clicking on Modify/Reimport Module in the module section of your cluster infrastructure, then select the module new version and import it. Finally, click apply in the Terraform section.


Some changes can take time to propagate to AWS. This is especially true for IAM roles and policies, which could then create some conflicts when recreated. Re-applying the Terraform plan should fix the problem.

Update Genvid SDK Samples

Along with your own project, make sure you update any of the Genvid SDK samples you’ve previously installed.

Upgrade from 1.19.0 to 1.20.0

gvencode Options Have Changed

The gvencode option -p healthPort is now -h healthAddress which requires a string containing IPAddress:Port. Make sure you adjust any templates that call gvencode.

Nomad Upgraded

We upgraded the version of Nomad used in the Genvid SDK, which might require some adjustments to your code.

Most importantly, IPv6 addresses will be preferred by default for jobs started by Nomad on Windows. We added IPv6 support on the backend because of this change. You might need to adjust your Nomad templates to detect IPv6 addresses (For example, ::1) and wrap them properly.

If you based your setup on one of the Genvid SDK samples, make sure you replace config.ts in your setup with /samples/tutorial/web/utils/config.ts which correctly wraps IPv6 addresses.


The updated config.ts file is the same for all the Genvid SDK demos.

New JavaScript API Modules

The Genvid SDK now supports importing our JavaScript modules as NPM packages. To do so, first install both the genvid and genvidMath packages:

npm install -s path/to/genvid.tgz
npm install -s path/to/genvid-math.tgz

Then you can import them normally:

import { createGenvidClient, IGenvidClient } from 'genvid';
import * as genvidMath from 'genvid-math';


If you plan on dockerizing your web app, you must copy the tgz file in your Docker before importing it.

See either the Unity sample or Load Tester sample for examples of importing Genvid modules as NPM packages and dockerizing them.

When using the <scrip src=”…”/> tag, we recommend you use the genvid.umd.js and genvid-math.umd.js files. The “genvid” lib is exposed as the global variable genvid and the “genvid-math” lib as genvidMath.

We advise against including the Genvid TypeScript definition files directly in your source code. The Genvid SDK includes them in the /api/web/legacy_types/ folder if you need them to simplify your upgrade.

See the Tutorial and Unreal Engine samples for working examples of this method.

See the Website Integration section for more detailed information.

DockerTool No Longer Sets DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME to default

DockerTool no longer sets the environment variable DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME to default if it isn’t already set. The client uses its default settings to connect to a Docker host, which it can get from other environment variables. This should allow DockerTool to work with a local Docker that doesn’t use Docker Machine, such as Docker for Windows.

Known Issue: Terraform Command Crashing After Upgrade

In some cases, running a Terraform command from the Bastion UI on an existing cluster can cause the Terraform command to crash. If you encounter this issue:

  1. Go to .genvid/terraform/workdir/YOUR_CLUSTER_NAME/tf/.terraform/ (under your user folder).
  2. Delete all the modules and files in the folder.
  3. Re-import the module from the command page.

Afterwards, your Terraform command should run correctly.

Known Issue: Error When Trying To Destroy Or Plan Apply an Existing Cluster After Upgrade

After an upgrade of the Genvid SDK, the [PLAN APPLY] and [PLAN DESTROY] terraform commands will fail with the following message:

Error: Error loading modules: module vpc: not found, may need to run ‘terraform init’

To fix this simply re-import the module:

  1. Open Bastion-UI
  2. Click on Terraform
  3. Click on the link with your cluster name on the left navigation bar
  4. Click re-import module
  6. Should work!

Local Cluster No Longer Configured During Bastion Setup

The genvid-bastion install command no longer automatically sets up a local cluster. Before running other genvid-sdk commands, you can create a local cluster by running:

genvid-sdk setup

This is required even if you are upgrading a local cluster you set up previously.

After setting up your local cluster, configure it by running:

genvid-sdk load-config-sdk

C Sharp Wrapper Now Detects Failure Statuses

You can use the function statusFailed(status) to validate if a returned status from any Genvid SDK function is considered a failure. This function filters out warnings which aren’t errors.

To update, copy the new C Sharp wrapper DLL over your current one.

For the Unity sample and prefab, rebuild the Genvid Unity Package with the new C Sharp wrapper and re-install it in your project.