Genvid SDK 1.25 – Support, Simplification, and Streams


During the past year, we have spent a great deal of time working closely with some of our clients and partners on several events. This is why for this release, we focused on the 3 S’s—Support, Simplification, and Streams. We continuously strive to provide you with better support and service, as well as to uphold industry standards and best practices. Sometimes that means minor adjustments, while other times, major refactoring. Our goal is to provide you with the best user experience, every time.

Support Enhancements for Azure Cloud

As we continue to improve our cloud support, we have added the ability to deploy in multiple Availability Zones (AZs), for better load balancing on Azure Cloud. This improvement brings our Azure support on par with our existing AWS support.

With streaming platforms gradually shifting toward more secure connections, the newly added secure module will allow you to do just that, by deploying SSL-enabled clusters. This module will allow you to manage certificates, DNS, and use Application Gateway for your cluster. This is important for building Twitch Extensions, which require the use of SSL clusters, as well as other platforms that will soon follow suit.

Simplification of Services

Moving toward a better Genvid user experience, we have converted the Studio sample to a standard service as a first step in providing an integrated interface. Now, when you configure your cluster and load the services, the Studio is part of the services job. You no longer need to load it into your cluster with a separate command. Instead, you can simply enable the Studio in the Cluster UI settings. Once enabled, it will start along with all the other services.

Streams of Data

In accordance with best practices of Data Streams usage, we have refactored our Cube samples to make them clearer. This was done by splitting data submission into multiple streams and improving event trigger notifications. New visual notifications were also added to the Twitch Extension, as well as the Web sample.

The addition of all these new notifications and more metrics for visualizing the communication from your game instance to the viewer clients makes the dashboard look and feel more like an airplane cockpit, helping your project really take-off.

For a full list of all the updates in this version, see the full Genvid SDK 1.25.0 release notes.

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