Genvid SDK 1.15.0 – Reduced Bandwidth and Revamped Cluster UI


Reduced transport bandwidth in data pipeline

To reduce bandwidth usage between the server and the web client, Genvid SDK now uses a binary format internally. We also detect and remove duplicate packages in the data, while still guaranteeing that your web clients will receive the latest package–even if they connect very late in the streaming session. This should greatly improve the experience for viewers with low-bandwidth connections, especially at the beginning of their viewing session.

Revamped Cluster-UI

We have added new styling to our Cluster-UI and Bastion-UI. Each UI now displays a header in different colors to improve quick visual identity. The new Material style also brings additional color codes and icons to clearly indicate the Config sync statuses.


For a detailed list of the existing and upcoming features, please view our complete release notes.

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