Welcome to the New Genvid Tech


Today is long in coming. The Genvid SDK, which lets you deploy your game instance to the cloud and create rich interactivity over popular streaming platforms, has finally reached “General Availability.”

We’ve spent a year and a half sharing the Genvid SDK only under NDA, in confidential talks with developers around the world, making improvements and upgrades, and now any developer anywhere can download the Genvid SDK and begin livestreaming.

We’re launching General Availability alongside a lot of news:

  • A brand new Genvid Technologies website including a new Developer Portal where you can download the Genvid SDK and view its documentation, engage with us in our Developer Forum, and contact us for support.
  • Release of our commercial broadcast license. Super simple terms costing pennies to broadcast and which lets you download, integrate and test for free.
  • Launch of the Genvid SDK 1.7 which includes a ton of new features like realtime Composition and rich UE4 Editor support.
  • New funding from investors March Capital Partners and OCA Ventures giving Genvid a long runway.
  • Support for Counter Strike: Global Offensive enabling broadcasters and leagues to give viewers fully interactive UI and cameras when streaming.
  • Upcoming support for Twitch’s new API and its Extensions program so you can leverage Genvid to build your interactivity directly on Twitch.
  • A deep roadmap of new features including more management, security and scalability tools for your server infrastructure, metrics, rich realtime composition tools, support for additional streaming platforms, additional features for our UE4 and Unity plugins, and more.

If you’re new to Genvid and want to learn what we’re about, take a look at our Product and Features page to see all the tools we’ve built for interactive streams.

If you’re already familiar with Genvid and want to learn what’s been upgraded in 1.7 it’s a revolution compared to previous versions.

Take a look at a just a taste of what’s new in the Genvid SDK 1.7 below and be sure to check out our Developer Portal to get started!

Realtime composition lets you write your streams from the game engine in realtime, enabling PiP, audio/video mixing, transitions and more coming soon
A completely revamped UE4 plugin with Editor support and Blueprints
Control your deployment and develop locally or on the cloud with our new Bastion system

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