Genvid SDK 1.19.0 – Continuing Improvements


In recent months, Genvid had the great pleasure of assisting in the CS:GO Major in the UK hosted by FACEIT. This large-scale event gave us the opportunity to put our SDK to the test in the wild–to learn what works well and what could work better. We have taken notes, analyzed results, and planned out improvements.

The biggest changes in 1.19.0 might not be obvious at first glance. That is because the team dedicated their efforts this release toward improving the internal engine of the Genvid SDK, as well as fixing several bugs.

As we prepare to embark on the next series of tournaments, we strive to continually increase the robustness and stability of our software to accommodate the needs of our clients.

And as the Genvid team continues growing, we add fresh minds with new ideas and different perspectives on how to further excel our development and improvements to this point.

We will have even more events to announce in the near future. Subscribe to our blog to stay in the know about the latest news and action!

For a detailed list of the existing and upcoming features, please view our complete release notes.

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