Opening Remarks by Yoichi Wada on Genvid Technologies’ 2017 GDC Session


On March 1, 2017, former Square Enix CEO Mr. Yoichi Wada gave the opening remarks at Genvid Technologies’ GDC session. We’d like to share those remarks with you here. Japanese follows. 日本語は以下へ続く。

Thank you very much for coming.
Today you’re going to get a glimpse into the future.
Over the 40 year history of the game industry we have seen its market size grow consistently larger.

From arcade games to console games, and then to smartphones, as devices have become steadily more generalized, the number of people considered players of games has also grown exponentially.

Many may think that, with this, the game industry has finally matured.
However, that is not the case.

Today, the theme is the opening up a new frontier.
Until now, the game industry has focused exclusively on the game player.
But please think about this for a moment.

Music, sports, etc… the majority of entertainment has built its market place not only on the player, but that of the listener, that of the viewer.
If the game industry pays attention to this opportunity, it can expect to grow many times more.

Genvid Technologies is focused not on the game player, but on the game viewer, and is the leading company paving the technical foundation for monetizing viewers.
I would like to ask them to present to you what they are working on.

When I was managing Square Enix, I released many products, but game titles are not the only things I have put out in the world.
I take with pride the staff of Genvid as another work I gave birth to during my time at Square Enix.

Thank you again for coming today, and I am sure the Genvid team is looking forward to answering your questions at the conclusion of the session.






Genvid Technologies は、ゲーム・プレイヤーではなく、ゲーム・ビューアーにフォーカスして、そのマネタイズのための技術的根拠を提案しているリーディングカンパニーです。


Genvid のスタッフも、スクエニの生み出した自信作だと思っています。

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