Genvid Technologies Releases First Interactive Live Streams For VR and MOBA Games Over YouTube


GDC marks the unveiling of showcase partnerships with Shanghai’s Directive Games, Guildford’s Edge Case Games, and Montreal’s iLLOGIKA Studios, as well as plugin support for Unity

NEW YORK (Feb 27, 2017) – Game technology solutions provider Genvid Technologies, Inc. (Headquarters: New York, henceforth “Genvid”) today announced a series of partnerships and game integrations at the 2017 Game Developers Conference (GDC) including the first interactive stream of a VR game on YouTube. Genvid will host a live technical session on March 1 at 11am in addition to live demos on the exhibition floor at booth #333 in Moscone’s South Hall.

“At this year’s GDC, game developers will get their first chance to touch our unrivaled streaming technology,” says Genvid CEO Jacob Navok. “We’ve enjoyed working with our developer partners to create VR and MOBA showcases that are going to blow people away. We’re also announcing our Unity plugin, which comes hot on the heels of our existing UE4 support.”

New Partnerships with Game Studios Worldwide

Visitors to Genvid’s live session will see the world debut of streams from Genvid-enabled servers showcasing the cross-platform multiplayer title Super Kaiju running from multiple perspectives on YouTube, and the ability for viewers in the stream to cheer back to the players wearing the HTC Vive headset.

“We have had a strong need for the right way to showcase live matches of our VR title to large audiences,” says Atli Sveinsson, CEO of Directive Games in Shanghai. “Genvid’s ability to power viewer interactivity on livestreaming platforms like YouTube is unlike anything else out there and it has the potential to change eSports forever by allowing the kind of real live engagement and impact that today is only possibly when supporters go to the stadium to cheer their teams.”

Genvid will also discuss its new integration with UK-based Edge Case Games’ popular MOBA title Fractured Space, allowing viewers of streams to spectate live matches of the strategic space war game from their perspective of choice and interact with the stream as though they were in-engine of the game.

“We want viewers of Fractured Space to have the best experience possible and Genvid’s technology allows us to provide a richer experience than has ever been possible before,” says Edge Case CEO James Brooksby. “Both our existing community and newcomers alike will be able to have deeper, more connected experiences with our game as a result.”

Genvid will also showcase new updates to its streaming capabilities for Epic Games’ Unreal Tournament through a partnership with Montreal’s game development studio iLLOGIKA, who has handled the Genvid integration to include new camera angles, real-time player information and advertising capabilities into the popular FPS.

“The Genvid SDK was easy for our team to get up and running,” says iLLOGIKA CEO David Fugère-Lamarre. “Within hours we were able to create interactive streams, and implement different features and functionalities that have never been done before.”

Strong Interest From Top Brands

In addition to game developers, media agencies have also been enthusiastic about the opportunities available through content powered by Genvid. The Genvid SDK enables brands to deploy interactive advertisements to viewers that look native to the game, but targeted to the individual.

“Genvid’s technology opens new doors for brands to reach the hundreds of millions of addressable eSports audience,” says Angel Mendoza of IPG Media Lab, which oversees new, cutting-edge tech opportunities for brands as part of the Interpublic Group of Companies, Inc.

Genvid is actively working with top brands and representatives to generate new sponsorship opportunities for developers using its technology.

First Unreal Engine, Now Unity Support: Any Developer, Anywhere Can Make and Monetize an Interactive Stream

Finally, hot on the heels of its release last month of the Genvid Technologies SDK that included a plugin for Unreal Engine 4, Genvid is announcing its latest release of the SDK that includes a plugin for popular game engine Unity. This plugin allows any Unity game developer to quickly get started with interactive streams over YouTube.

The Genvid SDK maps viewer interactions from a game onto the video itself in real-time. As a result, livestreams can be monetized through transactions that are uniquely targeted to the person watching, leading to a huge revenue opportunity for game developers between sponsorships and in-stream purchases.

What is Genvid Technologies?

Founded in 2016 by game industry veterans Genvid is backed by March Capital Partners and OCA Ventures.

Genvid provides an SDK for game developers to integrate into their games and allows game developers to make revolutionary broadcasts. The Genvid SDK is a simple-to-use middleware, flexible enough to run on any streaming platform and infrastructure that developers want to support.

The company’s name is a fusion of two Latin root words, Gen meaning “birth” and Vid meaning “viewing”; reflecting the company’s mission to power a new era of interactive streaming experiences.

A media kit for this release, including screenshots and video, is available at


Company name: Genvid Technologies, Inc.
Email Address: [email protected]
Company Name: Directive Games Limited
Email Address: [email protected]
Company Name: Edge Case Games
Email Address: [email protected]
Company Name: Illogika Studios inc.
Email Address: [email protected]

The Genvid SDK is Copyright 2016-2017 Genvid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
YouTube is a registered trademark of Google Inc.
Epic, Epic Games, Unreal, Unreal Engine, and Unreal Tournament, are trademarks or registered trademarks of Epic Games, Inc. in the United States of America and elsewhere. © 2004-2017, Epic Games, Inc. All rights reserved.
Unity and the Unity Engine are copyright © 2017 Unity Technologies.
Directive Games and Super Kaiju are copyright © Directive Games Limited.
Edge Case Games and Fractured Space are trademarks of Edge Case Games Ltd © 2017 All rights reserved.
iLLOGIKA is a trademark of Illogika Studios inc. © 2009-2017 All rights reserved.

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